Monday, May 25, 2009

Pho's Green Papaya

Me, Pauni kids: Brydan, Me, Ailini, Gideon, Nohe'a (in the back), Pitasoni

So this pass friday (5/22/09) Sinai and I along with her tribe, decided we'd go out to eat at Pho's Green Papaya since we barely missed it last week after our workout session, so after our hard workout at the rec we decided we were hungry and that we should hit up the restaurant, and we got there just in time a little before 9 p.m. Wow I didn't think they're food would be as good especially cause I'm not a SOUP person but I'd have to say it filled me up, OMG they're appetizers were sooo good, thanks sinai for treating us to the yummy food.

Ok so I weighed in saturday morning and not to my surprise I gained 5 lbs OMG I was sooo PISSED LOL, but then again I said to myself SAI AUPITO for being careless about the way I ate. Mind you I woke up at 6 a.m. on a saturday morning to go and get a wristband for my ZUMBA class (I know diehard yeah), well I came back to the rec around 7:30 a.m. and walked a mile around the track then went downstairs and worked on my legs with the weights and whatnot, sinai was downstairs as well and I told her what I had did, and she said ok NO more eating after our workouts on friday night cause she had gained to. I told her yeah sis I was sooo mad that I took out my anger on the TRACK good thing aye. Anyways with that being said I'm sooo gonna drop that 5 lbs this week even if I have to kill myself working out. HOIIIII, losing weight is soooo hard and frustrating but I'm soooo gonna accomplish this!!!

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