So I finally decided I need to get my act together and jump up and get ready for church. I got up about 8 a.m. to see Saane and Ofo off to happy valley the weekend was just good fun, and the time I had with the RED team was even more amazing especially the fact at tryin' to reactivate myself (Thank you Lupi for the extra push). I then had jumped in the shower to get ready for the first ward to attend HUNTER ward which was at 10:45 their sacrament meeting we went to see Daniel give his talk, after Daniel spoke we had to leave to catch the Triplets primary program which was at 11:45 a.m. at the KEARNS ward It was like a mad rush LOL (the triplets did an awesome job and they looked sooo BEAUTIFUL like little angels in white). After Melenaite spoke I left with Lupi, and Masi because we needed to attend to a farewell program where One Voice was singing "Precious Lord", for Beb fuka's program boy do I miss the singing days, those where the days where my spiritual level was on the utmost high. I came home to just thinking about what I'm going to do with my life, and came to the conclusion that I NEED the GOSPEL and the spiritual level to come back to the feeling I LOVED and that was by paying my tithes, scripture study, temple sessions, and personal prayers, something in which I've been lacking. I just promised myself that I would LOVE to get that spiritual feeling back and just become the strong member that I once was. I've committed to ONE VOICE again and I'm totally excited for our fast that's coming up this sunday, Lupi and I promised Masi that we would help him with the choir since he's the president and it's seriously something I'm looking forward to, ONE VOICE will be singing Dec 13, 2009 at the Kenneth Cope fireside and what better way to express our Love for our Savior through music. Here's to getting that SPIRITUAL HIGH once again!
It was good seeing you on Sunday.. You always bring a smile to my face.. Love ya girl